Support in criminal prosecution

We safeguard our clients’ interests in criminal procedures and in connection with application of criminal legislation.
FINCOM group consults individuals and legal entities during investigation, intelligence operations and other inspections by law enforcement agencies. The range of our services includes initial evaluation of risks of criminal prosecution and preparation of a legal position, as well as handling the situation at all stages of the criminal process and in courts of all levels.
In criminal defense sphere, FINCOM group provides the following services:
Evaluation of prospects of opening a criminal investigation, risks of criminal prosecution
Identification of criminal risks in conducting business activities
Protection and representation of interests of individuals and legal entities at the stage of pre-trial investigation (including familiarization with materials of the case, development of a defense position, collection and introduction of evidence, assistance during selection or repeal of measures of restraint, or change to a milder one, etc.)
Consultation on issues of criminal and criminal procedure law (written and verbal)
Protection against criminal prosecution in cases of commercial crime
Representation of interests of victims of illegal actions during investigative activities by law enforcement agencies
Search and return of assets lost as a result of criminal actions of the third parties
Return of assets seized during criminal prosecution
Suppression of rights of individuals and legal entities by law enforcement officers
Recovery of damages caused by the crime from the guilty party